@JoshuatotheC's Most Valuable Followers:

StartupPro (with 436,855 followers)
Martin Zwilling: "Veteran startup mentor, executive, blogger, author, tech professional, and angel investor. Published on Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and Huffington Post. "

TweetSmarter (with 315,045 followers)
TweetSmarter: "In our fifth year of helping everyone get the most out of #Twitter and #SocialMedia. Tweet us anytime! Tips, tools, Twitter news and tech support for everyone."
Gemstars (with 298,111 followers)
Gem: "Artist - visual artist working with acrylic, oil, ink, watercolour and graphite "

LollyDaskal (with 274,484 followers)
Lolly Daskal: "Dedicated to bringing Heart Based Leadership to organizations and individuals. Consultant | Trainer | Coach | Speaker | Founder of #LeadFromWithin"

emersonnatal (with 243,579 followers)
emerson silva: " Nada é fácil neste planeta belo e assustado em que vivemos. Melhor não perder tempo se iludindo com argumentações simplistas Follow me, follow back!"
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