Radu Munteanu's Most Valuable Friends:

Mihai Busila (with 5,001 friends)

100000721901063:  "..."

Vlad Plahotniuc (with 4,994 friends)

vlad.plahotniuc:  "..."

Valentina Ursu (with 4,968 friends)

100000532983315:  "editor la Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty"

Sanda Balan (with 4,965 friends)

565773480:  "..."

Natalia Barbu (with 4,915 friends)

100001160245168:  "Fire artistica,romantica,un pic copilaroasa. Casatorita cu ce mai minunat barbat din lume,in asteptarea nasterii primullui meu copil,cel mai fericit moment din viata mea."


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