Coy Sacco's Most Valuable Friends:

Kirk Voclain (with 3,988 friends)

kirk.voclain:  "..."

Ben Morgan (with 1,884 friends)

b3nmo:  "..."

Stephon Churn (with 1,038 friends)

Stef.getoffmyback.Churn:  "stephon alexander churn name tells all but with out god were would i be ? idk. maybe not were i am today or even tommro! hate the storm but love the sun always & forever:} Cant wait till.............................the next chapter of my life im stephon churn im 20 and like to play sports and chi..."

Lauren Missk Barrow (with 1,006 friends)

laurenmisskbarrow:  "When you find good friends u need to hold on to them and cherish the people in your life:>i'M 20 AND I LOVE jEHOVAH GOD, MY FAMILY, AND MY FRIENDS ...I'M AN AWESOME FRIEND IF U LET ME BE...MESSAGE ME TO FIND OUT MORE"

Cori Battaglia Blanchard (with 797 friends)

cori.b.blanchard:  "..."


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