@ilde's Most Valuable Followers:
BarackObama (with 12,258,359 followers)
Barack Obama: "This account is run by #Obama2012 campaign staff. Tweets from the President are signed -BO. "
TwitPic (with 6,310,881 followers)
TwitPic: "Share photos and videos on twitter"
ifilosofia (with 1,414,723 followers)
Miguel: "Matemático. Me gustan las frases para reflexionar, frases filosóficas etc.. Actualmente trabajo en la formación online. Ver web: www.euroestan.com/clases.htm"
el_pais (with 1,040,662 followers)
EL PAIS: "Las noticias globales más relevantes y la última hora en español, por los periodistas de EL PAÍS. Para informarse y conversar. "
GuyKawasaki (with 487,525 followers)
Guy Kawasaki: "Author of Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions. Former chief evangelist of Apple. Co-founder of Alltop. "
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