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Pogue (with 1,411,623 followers)

David Pogue:  "Tech columnist, NY Times; CNBC tech dude; Missing Manuals creator, dad of 3!"

todayshow (with 1,055,881 followers)

TODAY :  "America's favorite morning show. News, weather and everything else to help you make the most of your day. 4 hours of live TV, 140 characters at a time..."

ModernMom (with 129,527 followers)

ModernMom.com:  "The magazine and community for the woman behind the mom plus Brooke Burke's exclusive blog!"

BlurbBooks (with 73,167 followers)

blurbinc:  "BlurbĀ® helps you tell and share your stories: in bookstore-quality books, on the web, and with your mobile. Your genius, our tools."

amalah (with 64,300 followers)

amalah:  "I look forward to utilizing social media outlets such as Twitter in order to express myself in a more succinct and to-the-point manner furthermore I believe tha"


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